
Being Trans is Not a Choice.

Author: Damien. Date: 1/22/25

Being trans is not a choice. I’d never wish this upon anyone. The discomfort in your own skin, looking in the mirror to be greeted with the exact opposite of who you see yourself as.

Seeing cisgender people, in my case, boys, just being the way they are, and feeling so jealous and so hurt because you’ll never, ever go through puberty the way they did. You’ll never go through your teenage years like that. Your friendship dynamics won’t be at all like theirs, and nobody will ever see you in that way.

Of course… this isn’t all true, is it? That’s the dysphoria talking. One day you’ll grow into the person you are. One day people will see you for you. One day you’ll meet the people who look past your parts and see you for you.

But it doesn’t always feel this way. And when you have to deal with family who doesn’t support you, when you’re in the closet… the last thing you need is the government rolling back your protections and denying you your own free will.

Being trans makes me feel so estranged, I know like 80% of my family will cut me off or be dead before I can be truly me, I have to hide so much from so many people. It feels like a part of me is being carved out anytime someone talks about bashing trans people around me. When someone defends Trump’s actions. When someone assumes I’m cis because I’m female passing right now and tells me this won’t affect me.

I’d never wish this on anyone.